Collaborating on climate resilience to unlock potential across industries

I am extremely humbled to have had the opportunity to collaborate with leaders at Liberty Mutual Insurance, IBM, and MIT Civil and Environmental Engineering through the MIT Climate & Sustainability Consortium (MCSC). Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this work possible, especially my co-stars Ehsan Kianirad, Marina Rakhlin, and Michael Howland. #climateresilience #carboncapture #renewableenergy #datascience

How Voluntary Carbon Markets are part of the climate solution

Like so many challenges in climate and sustainability, the solution is going to look like ensemble of different elements working together in harmony – not one superstar soloist stealing the show. Voluntary Carbon Markets can not only help address climate change, but they are driving innovations in measurement technologies that could help support resilience planning. It was a pleasure to collaborate with my colleagues at the MIT Climate & Sustainability Consortium (MCSC) and the teams at IBM and BBVA on this whitepaper.

Credits and credibility

My colleagues and I had the opportunity to convene experts from IBM, BBVA, Liberty Mutual, and MIT to discuss voluntary carbon markets. These cross-sectoral perspectives on risk, verification, and co-benefits are exactly the types of comprehensive discussions we need to be having to improve the current state of carbon credits.

Decision support for resilience planning

It was so rewarding to build this tool together with my colleagues at the MCSC and with the advice and guidance from our member companies. See these reposts [1, 2] for how this project got started and what it taught me about interdisciplinary collaboration. Click here for the story on the MCSC site.

My PhD Thesis….in cartoons

I’m so grateful I got to share my PhD journey with my amazing colleagues. I got to present part of my PhD thesis to them, the way I wished I could have defended it…with cartoons and jokes. Thank you so much to the MCSC, and especially Elise Chambers, for giving me the opportunity to share this.